Sketching is a specialized type of drawing, used for preparing preliminary drawings, for capturing fleeting subjects, and as a means of perfecting technique. Sketch paper is drawing paper specially designed for sketching. Some sketch paper is multi-media, and some is specialized for a particular medium, such as marker sketchbooks. In addition, there are specialty sketchpad.
The tooth of sketch paper, along with the weight, determines whether sketch paper is multi-purpose or designed to fit a specific group of media or a particular artistic medium. A smooth surface is geared towards line drawing, technical drawing, and finished art. A medium surface may be used for all dry media - including pencil, pastel, marker, Conté crayon, and charcoal - plus pen, ink, and light wash.
The tooth of sketch paper, along with the weight, determines whether sketch paper is multi-purpose or designed to fit a specific group of media or a particular artistic medium. A smooth surface is geared towards line drawing, technical drawing, and finished art. A medium surface may be used for all dry media - including pencil, pastel, marker, Conté crayon, and charcoal - plus pen, ink, and light wash.
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